People can do any of many things for their project. Some people take internships, others write research papers, and there are also those people who choose to spend their time running (likely in circles).
The Google Car |
So which version of intelligence am I going to implement? Seeing how I only have a couple months to teach myself about using artificial intelligence to drive a car, and then build that car, I am going for the most logical implementation: Google Car 2.0. I'm kidding, that would take at least twice as long as I've got. My plan is to create a car that uses one or more sensors to drive around. The car's purpose? Sadly, it won't be anything more than moving randomly and avoiding collisions for as long as the battery lasts. But just wait and see, the car will be plenty exciting.
So what is the purpose of this blog? Every Senior Project must be accompanied by its certified Senior Project Journal. As I tend to have bad handwriting, and you can't print out videos, I figured I would write my journal on a blog. Now, whether this blog turns into a brand sparklingly new precedent for the greater Senior Project community, or becomes a big flop with all of the entries occurring the week before my presentation, that is yet to be seen.
But what I do know is that until the flop-date, there will be some juicy blog posts that will suddenly appear, including (but not limited to):
- Official informal plan of what I will accomplish, and how that will be accomplished
- Some informational articles talking about what I have learned and how that applies to this project
- How to disassemble your car (hopefully without breaking it)
- What it is like to open up a box of parts
So until next time, stay classy!
Next: Senior Project: The Plan