And when compared to an actual picture, it isn't too far off.
As might be noticed, this picture of my car has an added piece of plastic in the front and back. These are the car's bumpers , which allow little children to ram RC cars into brick walls repeatedly. I added these back to my car because they will provide me a some more space to work with (you can see a 9V battery mounted on the back piece), which will be helpful when the time comes to mount the sensors.
Or so I'd thought. When the car is sitting on its pedestal of LEGOs, it steers just fine. When it is placed on the ground, well, problems arise as the wheels refuse to turn all of the way. After messing around with various thingies and other various thingies, I came upon a realization: once on the ground, the front wheels won't turn all of the way if the back wheels are also spinning. I took my ammeter out to perform measurements on what was happening to the front motor, and it turns out that when friction is applied to a motor, it will draw lots more current. Meaning, when the back wheels are spinning on the ground, the friction causes them to have to draw more power to be able to keep spinning, and part of that extra power comes from the steering motor. My first thought was that I could program stuff into the software that stopped the rear wheels before making a turn. I have realized though that a software solution to a problem like this is not ideal. I looked back at the RC circuit I'd taken out and remembered that it used two motor drivers, one for each motor. The two motor drivers gave me an idea - if I separate the two motors, run them from different chips, maybe they will be able to work in tandem? I have ordered a second motor driver to find out, though I will not know if it will work until, well, it works. In the event that the second motor driver does not solve my steering issues, my next idea is to give them each different power supplies, which I know will fix the problem of current drain (one interesting issue that current drain brings up is what effect it will have on my sensors and the servo. If worst comes to worst, I could use a 9V battery for each motor, and then use the rechargeable battery for the Arduino, sensors, and the servo).
But on the note of sensors, I have been divining ways of mounting them to my car. There are four places in the rear of the car into which I can place screws. Two of them had a use, the other two I think are vestigial organs. But the four are arranged nicely enough that I can place a piece of wood over the top and use the holes to screw it down. This piece of wood is where I plan to mount my Arduino.

Admittedly, the last two weeks have been slow, with not too much physical progress. However, I am picking it up now and will probably be writing more entries to avoid writing weekly novels. My next entry should cover the assembly of my second motor driver and whether or not it is a success.
'Til next time.
Next: Journal Entry #5
Sources: [1]